Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ears & ipad

emma lael is surrounded by "big kids" as she calls them...natalie and her friends all have pierced ears a few girls in her pre school class have pierced ears...she has been pointing to her ears and say "emma lael ears" what she has been asking for is to wear was the day she got her ears pierced and in emma lael fashion she cried for a second then she was all smiles when she looked in the mirror and saw her earrings in her ears! she didn't like the lady much after she pierced her ears, oh well!

the ipad...kent & the kids bought me an ipad for was a great idea but i really wanted was a new vacuum, those of you who know me know how much i LOVE to vacuum...attempted to sell the ipad but with the new ipad out i have not had any luck....with my kids help they have taught me how to download apps... thanks natalie & garrett ;0) emma lael has many apps on the ipad flash card in mandarin & english plus several games in both cool is that!!!! i am embarrassed that i was so clueless to all the things you can do with an's now a family ipad so everyone can use it!

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