Sunday, June 27, 2010

adult, teenager, toddler CHANGE

ADULT: according to the world garrett is now an adult because he is 18 years me he's still a 2 year old running around in his underoos ;)...we took garrett to freshman orientation today he'll be there for 3 normal garrett style this isn't a big deal...walked on campus liked he's been there already for 3 years...same thing he did when i took him to mother's morning out when he was 3 he turned to me and said "mom i can walk myself in"
i said "oh no, mommy is taking you in your class on the first day"
he replied "mama i'm a big boy"...somethings never change.

garrett going away to college i honestly didn't think it would be a big deal because he's been away at boarding school since he was a sophomore in high does make it easier that he's so comfortable in his own skin...takes on challenges better than most adults i know...he's a natural leader...goal oriented...dedicated (in certain areas)...with all that said he's still a "KID" dog gone can he really be going to college...if i'm ready or not he's going that's that!

the sisler household is about to change...
* college student (aka adult, yeah right)
* high school student
* 3 year old toddler
i don't honestly think we have any idea how things will change but kent & i are both up for the challenges...being older parents for emma lael hopefully our last 18 years of parenting we'll use some of the same parenting tools... tweek others...learn something new because as you parents well know what you did for one child doesn't mean it will work with another child.

we're waiting for our LOA (letter of acceptance) when we get this document we'll be traveling to china in 8-12 weeks...pray that our LOA comes soon like TOMORROW would be great!

Thank you God for your son Jesus dieing on the cross for my salvation, my children, my husband, my parents, my friends and all those other people you've placed in my path to teach me more about YOU.

Lord, I pray that You will grant me Your peace at all times and under all circumstances, whatever comes. II Thessalonians 3:16

1 comment:

  1. Praying for that LOA!!! Wow, what changes your family is going through! I know God's grace will sustain you through all of them...though I'm already dreading sending mine off to college (my oldest is seven!) so I can only imagine what you're feeling! Hugs! :)
